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The Avery Law Firm, P.C.
 Call us at: (817) 861-3131
The Avery Law Firm, P.C. Services
Assault and Domestic Violence                                                Probation Violations 
-  Family Assault                                                                             The Avery Law Firm P.C. can offer
-  Domestic Violence                                                                     effective counsel and will fight to keep 
-  Violation of a Protective Order                                                  you out of jail after any alleged violation
-  Injury to a Child                                                                           of probation.
-  Child Endangerment or Abandonment
-  Injury to the Elderly                                                                    
-  Bodily Injury

Drug Charges
-  Drug Possession (marijuana, meth, crack, heroin, illegally obtained prescription drugs)
-  Drug Transporting and Delivery
-  Drug Conspiracy
-  Obtaining drugs by fraud
-  Liquor violation, such as furnishing alcohol to a minor

Theft and Property Crimes
-  Fraud Charges:  bank fraud, wire fraud, welfare fraud, Social Security fraud
-  Burglary or Robbery                            - Burglary of a motor vehicle, auto theft                                               
-  Theft by check                                      - Credit card abuse 
-  Forgery or Fictitious ID                       - Theft of mail
-  Shoplifting                                            -  Medicare and Medicaid fraud
-  Underage drinking                             -  Destruction of Property

Sex Offenses                                                                                  
-  Sexual Crimes
-  Indecent Exposure
-  Public Lewdness
-  Prostitution and Solicitation

Expunction of Records/Petition for Non-Disclosure
If you were previously charged with a criminal case and you were never convicted of the offense or you completed probation, you may be eligible to have you records expunged (excluded from everyone) or non-disclosed (excluded from the general public).  
We tailor investigative, trial and negotiation strategies to meet your legal needs.  We have the tenacity, creativity and versatility to fight the most challenging battles and resolve the most complex disputes.​  THE AVERY LAW FIRM, P.C. provides quality, competent and ethical legal representation to all our clients. 

We provide a variety of services and defend people facing charges in areas such as:
Child Support - John E. Avery is experienced with collection of past due support, modifications to child support, defense of Child Support Enforcement actions and other arrearage issues.

Custody - John E. Avery fights for his client's rights in mediation or in trial to determine parental rights and resolve all issues involving child custody.

Divorce - THE AVERY LAW FIRM, P.C. is thorough and aggressive, we counsel clients to resolve their cases in ways to minimize the emotional strife attendent to divorce.  We work to protect your parental rights and property interests.
Will - A person's will serves many functions.  The primary function of a will is to direct the disposition of assets.  The will also names an executor to manage the probate estate and make distributions to beneficiaries.

Durable Power of Attorney - The durable power of attorney is an estate planning document that allows the person you nominate to make independent legal decisions concerning your estate and property.  

Medical Power of Attorney - The medical power of attorney is an estate planning document that allows the person you nominate to make independent medical decisions concerning you.
Driving While Intoxicated (Drunk Driving) 
-   Driving While Intoxicated (DWI)
-   Driving Under the Influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs
-   Driving on a Suspended License
-   Intoxication Manslaughter